Senior Spotlight: Abigail


Eye Color: Green/blue

Hair Color: Blonde

College: Penn State University

Hometown: Westchester, New York


Education: Majoring in Criminology while minoring in Spanish

Greek or Geed: So excited to rush in the fall!!

Hobbies: Working out at the gym, playing basketball, reading, shopping with friends, and spending time with family

Five words that describe you: confident, social, determined, fun, and hard-working

Words to live by/favorite quote: "Be yourself, because everyone else is already taken." -Oscar Wilde

Junk Food Weakness: I could eat a whole roll of cookie dough! Alongside many chocolate covered pretzels.

Biggest Fear: Going skydiving, although I still want to try it at some point in the future!

Most Embarrassing Moment: When Ben Stiller came into the store I work at and I gave him the wrong change, and he had to correct me in front of my boss!

Dream Job: Criminal Profiler for the FBI

Dream Vacation Destination: Tahiti

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