Post-Recruitment Status

Chloe Glass

Since I grew up in Norman, I always associated Greek Life with the “ideal college experience.” I really grew up believing that the only way to be social and have friends in college was to GO GREEK!

So, going into recruitment at TCU was a little nerve-wracking. I had absolutely no idea what to expect and I felt ten steps behind the game because I only knew two girls on campus that were in a sorority. Recruitment was by far the longest week of my life, and I personally do not think that recruitment was very fun, at all! Anyone that tells you it was the best time of his or her life is lying….

You wake up early every day, put on your make-up, put on your favorite outfit, and get ready to compete with 1,000 other girls for a spot in a house. You then spend five full days talking to strangers, sitting in a break room for hours at a time. In those break rounds; you are then forced to socialize with girls who just try to intimidate you with all of their “connections” into every sorority on campus. It was truly dreadful.

Every day I went back to my room and cried because I was just too overwhelmed with everything. Your day is consumed with talking to girls you don’t know, and you are trying your hardest to sound cool and make them think you are the greatest person alive. Plus, throughout your entire conversation you’re hoping that they love you just as much as you love them, and that isn’t always the case.


I ended up a Kappa Alpha Theta after recruitment. I could honestly not be happier with my final result. I get to spend every day getting to know some of the greatest and most genuine girls I have ever met. Throughout my recruitment week I never doubted how I felt when I walked into their house. I COULD NOT be happier. While I’ve been talking about how long the process was, that’s just the way the process works. You are competing against 1,000 girls for a limited number of spots in a house…. it’s just the game.


Going into recruitment you just have to continuously keep an open mind. In the end, you are going to basically get cut from every house on campus except one. There are going to be disappointments and there are going to be heartbreaks. You’re going to get cut from a house that you thought you had a great connection with and you’re going to wonder what else you could’ve done. But, why sit there and be upset over someone that could decide you weren’t right for them after a 20-minute conversation?

You’re also going to get asked back to houses and wonder how in the world that happened. NOTHING ABOUT THE SELECTION PROCESS MAKES SENSE…. and it never will.

Every time I called my mom crying, I was never really upset or disappointed in how my day went. It is just an exhausting week, your emotions get all screwed up. You really don’t know what to think after day one… 

BASICALLY!! It’s a long week and the process is weird and hard and there’s really no way to describe it. But please go through it. You learn more about yourself than you could ever imagine. Plus, once it’s over…….college seems like a piece of cake! I made some of the greatest friendships from recruitment week. My friends went a million different directions. I’m really lucky to go to a university where there is SOOOO much more to college than Greek Life. The process is worth the end result; even it that end result is not being in a sorority!

Wait, Where Am I?

Chloe Glass

To say these last two weeks have been stressful…. would be an understatement! Shout out to all my Frogs that made it through Sylly week!!!!

Things at TCU are so fun and so exciting. Campus is so alive and I honestly have encountered nothing but the nicest people walking around campus! For me, adjusting to college life has been a little bit different. It’s kind of weird going to class for an hour and having the rest of the day to do whatever you want to do. It’s such a weird transition, but we all managed to get through the first week and that’s all that matters!! 

Here’s to the Class of 2019! 5 Reasons YOU should be pumped for this school year!

1. Football- (duh) So, this is a given. We got royally screwed last year, we’re pissed, and this football season is going to be one to remember. Not much more needs to be said on that topic.

2. Social Life- There’s never a dull moment here. If there’s ever a time you want to go out….chances are that there is something to do. If partying isn’t your thing…. No worries because we have THE END, if you don’t know what that is I will be talking about it soon!!! There are literally always things to do on campus! Bo Burnham is coming this weekend and they’re playing Pitch Perfect in the commons….. SIGN THIS GIRL UP!

3. HUNTER HAYES- You read that correctly. Hunter Hayes will be performing at our fall concert on October 16, which, by the way, is the day before the Taylor Swift concert!!!! But whether or not your life Hunter or even country music… this is a big deal! 

4. We GET to wear Purple- While purple is our school color! There is ALWAYS frog pride around this campus. Everywhere you go people are throwing up their frogs or wearing purple.  Or just loving the crap out of TCU!

5. CAMPUS- OUR CAMPUS IS SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL! If you have not taken an evening to lay out in the middle of the commons and stare at the sky and get eaten alive by mosquitos… then you haven’t gotten the TCU experience yet. Go try it sometime, it’s beautiful and fun and a great way to bond with your roomie! 

I hope that EVERYONE in general had a great first week of college. It can be really crazy and really hectic at times. But it will all be worth it in about 4-5 years…hopefully no more than that!


GO FROGS!!!!!!!! –Chloe Glass

Last Second Reminders Before Move in Day!

As everyone moves in the next couple of weeks or have already moved in, these are my last second tips for a successful move in day!!!

  1. Say goodbye to everyone

    I know the days leading up to move in are so hectic and it’s hard to remember that you are leaving and probably won’t be seeing the people you typically see every day as often. Just a simple text, phone call, or quick lunch date will mean the most to the people that have been involved in your life and your success.

2. Take a Deep Breath

It is so easy to get wrapped up in the moment and freak out on your parents during the move in process. But just chill. Take a breath and remember that everything is going to be okay.

3. Let Your Parents Be Weird

I saw this picture floating around on Facebook the other day. THIS COULDN’T BE MORE TRUE


If you don’t… rescue one!

5. Eat at your Favorite Restaurant

If your favorite restaurant is not around the direct vicinity to your college, I highly suggest you get one last amazing meal in. The chances of you being able to eat there when you make a quick trip home are pretty slim.

6. Try to meet your roommates family

I lucked out on my college roommate experience. I have an AMAZING roommate. We went to Frog Camp Costa Rica together and were able to spend a whole week together. The day before we moved in, our families all met up for dinner. It is really helpful to break the ice before move in day. I also live three hours away from TCU and she lives in California. If you are in that situation it makes things so easy knowing that you will always have a home away from home and people that care about you a short distance away! 


If you’re like me, it is very hard to leave my family. There are never enough hugs to go around. Hug them and thank them for everything because in about 6 weeks you will be wanting them so desperately.

8. Don’t forget anything!!!!!

I hope everyone has a great move in experience. It is such a stressful but exciting time. I hope your new homes are everything you hope they are!!!! 



The Pilot

Hey hey hey,

Welcome to The Froggy 411! First off I would love to thank The Students' Tribune for letting me write for them.

Just so you know a little about myself-

My name is Chloe Glass and I was born and raised in Norman, Oklahoma. I have two brothers and a sister and they are triplets. I absolutely adore my parents; they are truly spectacular. I went to a private Catholic school for high school, even though I’m not Catholic, and had an incredible experience. I love all things travel. I studied abroad the summer of my Junior year in Bella Vista, Argentina and that is where I fell in love with blogging. I have my own blog where I write about anything and everything that comes to mind. So being able to blog for TCU here is absolutely a dream come true.

As you probably know by now, I will be attending Texas Christian University. I move in on Saturday and the last couple weeks have been hectic to say the least. I will be rushing and be very involved in the campus life!! I will be a Business major where I plan to turn that into a International Business degree. I plan on studying abroad.

This blog is for all my fellow Frogs as well as anyone else who wants to jump aboard, being a frog is not required. Since I have another blog, I have been really conflicted with the direction I want this blog to take. But this blog will extremely geared towards college life. I will be talking about my experience with college life, the social scene, school, dorm life, living with my roommate, all of my travels, and anything thing that you guys would like to hear. 



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