Blogged while listening to this playlist

As a part of my last summer at home, I've decided to start blogging some of my favorite recipes I've created or tried this summer. This includes culinary delights from my kitchen and some of my other favorite restaurants. We naturally like to eat light and refreshing foods during hotter months, so these are heat-friendly meals that won't leave you feeling heavy afterwards. If you have any ingredients, recipes, or local restaurants you would like for me to write about, please let me know and I would love to try them! Without further a due, here are some pictures I have collected so far this summer. (Note— I wasn't taking pics for this blog at the time, so excuse the poor quality on some photos)

Greek Feta Wrap:

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I made this with:

1 tortilla

5 stalks of roasted asparagus

chopped tomatoes 

feta cheese

greek yogurt

thinly sliced red onion

toasted sunflower seeds 

red pepper flakes

1/2 a lemons juice

olive oil

sea salt

*Use as much ingredients according to what you like and your serving size. I made this for myself for lunch. 

First, you'll want to preheat the oven to 350 degrees to roast the asparagus. To roast the asparagus, I covered them in olive oil, lemon juice and a dash of sea salt after cutting the ends off. Once these are done set them out a pan. Next, prepare your tortilla by spreading a thing layer of greek yogurt over it all and place the asparagus bunched up on one side. Then, add tomatoes, onions feta and sunflower seeds. Last, you'll want to add red pepper flakes to garnish for extra taste and roll up using a tooth pick if needed. This makes a great light lunch that won't leave you hungry afterwards. I also would suggest using greek olives if you have any available.

Dark Chocolate Covered Coconut Balls (no bake)

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Baked with: 

2 cups of Desiccated Coconut Flakes

4 tbs of Honey

4 tbs Coconut Oil

1 teaspoon of Vanilla

1 cup of Dark Chocolate Chips (melted)

Blend coconut into blender or food processor until thick. Place in bowl and add honey, vanilla and coconut oil and mix into paste. Your hands will get oily on this next part— Form into balls by squeezing in your palms. Once they have been made, place in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes. Once they are solid enough, melt the chocolate for about 45 seconds and stir. Then immediately dip the coconut mixtures and cover using a spoon. This part is very messy, fair warning. Place them on wax paper and set them in the freezer for a few minutes to harden them. These make a great guilt-free dessert or treat whenever. I keep mine in the fridge and eat them cold. Tastes just like and Almond Joy.

Avocado Breakfast Sandwich

Made using:

1 piece of toast (whole grain)

1 egg (sunny side up)

1 slice of an avocado

3 pieces of bacon

3 pieces of asparagus and pineapple for side

Bake the asparagus on 350 degrees using olive oil and sea salt. Toast the bread to your liking and cook the egg to your liking as well. Simply layer the bacon, egg and add a slice of avocado on top. Use pepper to your liking for taste and add asparagus and sliced pineapple for a side. This has become one of my favorite go-to breakfasts and it doesn't take as long as it seems to make. Again, guilt free and very satisfying!

Tropical Fruit Smoothie

Made with:

1 cup of strawberries 

1 cup of blueberries

A few slices of pineapple

Stevia Sweetener

Simply add all ingredients to blender with ice and blend until desired!

California Avocado Salad

(The Snapchat caption, I know— Add me on snapchat annaklement to see more yum stuff like this)


Made with:

Romaine Lettuce or Spinach

1/2 cup Purple Onion

1/2 Thinly sliced Avocado

1/2 cup Fresh Cherry Tomatoes


For the Dressing:

1 part white distilled vinegar for 2 parts olive oil, lemon juice and pepper


This is a salad I enjoyed recently on vacation at the beach. This is über filling surprisingly and pairs well with the smoothie mentioned above. Also— would taste well with greek olives and/or sunflower seeds.


BONUS: Gulf Red Snapper Tacos from one of my favorite restaurants KBC Butcher Block in Dothan, AL                          

Pictured above is a weekly special from Kelsey Barnard's KBC Butcher Block Eatery in my hometown, Dothan, AL. This is fresh gulf red-snapper fish tacos with sweet corn salsa, charred jalepeños, queso and a corn tortilla served with a slice of watermelon. This was my first trying the fish tacos and I was highly impressed. These tacos also included tomatoes and avocados (see a trend here?) and I would highly recommend them to anyone in the area. It's worth the drive even if you're not.

Why I’m Not Afraid To Be An Introvert

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Call me lazy. Call me boring. Call me narcissistic. Call me a diva. Call me a homebody. Call me what you want, but there is nothing I love more than being home in my bed curled up with my laptop, a face mask on, soothing music and in my comfiest pajamas. And I’ve never felt more alive.

If you we were friends prior to me just saying that, you’ve probably been rejected by me on an occasion or two because I actually wanted to stay home instead of go out. (like normal teenagers my age do) Actually, I had the inspiration for writing this because I chose to stay at home tonight, but enough of that. 

There’s just something about being alone that I love. I’ve been practicing yoga for about 3 years now and I think that’s what brought the self-awareness into my life I needed. I’ve been in and out of relationships like most people in high school do, I’ve had my heart broken and I think the heartbreak I suffered from it is what helped me finally realized it’s ok to be alone and be your own person. 

I didn’t go through high school trying to be like everyone else. I didn’t want to fit in, I knew I had more potential and bigger interests. Don’t get me wrong, I have friends and I’ve made some lasting relationships with people I will cherish forever. 

An introvert is defined as someone who feeds off of the energy of themselves. This isn't narcissistic or selfish. About 20-40% of the general population are introverts. (giftedkids.about.com

Being an introvert doesn’t mean I’m shy or have social anxiety, in fact I started out as a socialite my freshman year and gradually just accepted and matured with my self more. This was unusual for a girl my age, I was and still am very comfortable in my own skin. I know what I like and what I don’t and I’m not afraid to say no. 

“I’ve always been me, I guess I know myself.” - Drake

I’m thankful I live close to the beach, so when I go one of my favorite things to do is take walks alone or shop around the markets and bazaars there. And as someone who loves fashion , I find this fitting for my personality. Over the years I’ve curated my own particular style flipping through the pages of Bazaar and Vogue and developing a solid Pinterest profile. (One of my proudest accomplishments) I also happen to be a firm  believer in bubble baths and a good nights sleep.

Introverts love to do things such as reading, cooking, working out, listening to music, walking or running, and yoga. So as you can see, I fit the bill. Just know there is nothing wrong with being an introvert. You don’t have to be lonely, depressed or suffer from social anxiety to be introverted; though these people who fall under the previous categories most likely are. Being an introvert doesn’t have to be vanilla, there are plenty of thrill seekers in this world who feed off the energy they bring themselves. However, you can be a very friendly, social person and still be an introvert. 

So if you read this, and you’re convinced you’re the complete opposite of an introvert — you can still possess some of these qualities. It’s good for everyone to take some “me time” every once in a while. It’s especially important for people my age to become aware and figure out their interests to pave their path for the future. Whether it be to find new friends or figure out your career, start taking time for yourself and learning to appreciate solitude. You don’t need the opinions of others to fuel your interests; and you definitely don’t need that boyfriend or girlfriend to lean on every time something goes wrong. Learn to become independent as you’re in college or about to enter. Go to the movies by yourself if you’re dying to go see that new movie but none of your friends want to go, go outdoors and explore, go in that new store you think you may secretly like. This is your life, live while you are young and without complete responsibilities.

“Remember nobody’s feelings are more important than your own, so take time to love yourself.” - Zayn Malik

An Open Letter to My Friends and Family as I Go Off to College

I am the oldest of two children. My family has moved once. I am 18 years old and attending the University of Alabama in the fall. This will be the first time my parents have to move me out of the house, so they will most likely grow a bit more emotional over the next couple of months. However, I could not be more thrilled to begin my college journey. I love my family and friends— I really do and I am going to miss them an awful lot—but I am exhausted with this small run-down town. College is going to be the breath of fresh air I needed to finally become myself. With that being said, I made a list of things to keep myself in check dedicated to the people who held me accountable my whole life.

Note— The views expressed are my own and not the same for everyone reading this. This is more of a self-reflection check-list for college.


1. Do not let me gain the ‘Freshman 15.’

Or 20..or 30… and oh please not anything more than that. Of course I had to put this on my list. In all seriousness, I’d consider myself a healthy eater overall and I’ve really been looking forward to buying my own groceries and truly being in charge of what I can eat. Buuuut, it’s college. I know I’m going to splurge on the after hours $5 pizza with my friends occasionally. “Healthy” food is much more expensive and it’s really easy to blow all of your money in college and eat Ramen every night. Just don’t let me become unrecognizable. And while we’re on the subject of money now…

2.  Don’t let me spend/waste all of my money.

College. Is. Expensive. I know you’ve never heard that one before. Clothes, Clubs, Concerts, Classes, Books, Booze (if you’re ‘bout that life) and at my school, Football Games. It adds up alright. And let me just give a quick shout-out to my parents and grand parents for paying for college and the rest of my life up until now: I don’t think I could thank you enough. But come August, I’ll be on my own. I’m an adult and have to eventually make my own money. Thank God for all of those Dave Ramsey financial classes I watched in school, right? But hey, I need to manage my money now so I can enjoy it later. So, parents, if I call you all the time to put money in my account— teach me a lesson. I’ll thank you later.

3.  Don’t let me come home all the time.

I’m a homebody, so I’m very much allowed to say this. I need to learn to grow up, become independent, and live on my own. And college was waitin’ on me at the doh. (Sorry if you’ve never seen that Vine.) And don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE being at home and staying in. In fact, my friends made fun of me for it in high school. But I refuse to be the girl who goes home every weekend just because I can and miss out on all the fun college has to offer. TBH it’s ok if you do, you do you. But I’ve lived at home for 18 years; it’s time for me to move on and grow up. On the contrary…

4. Don’t let me be the one who never goes home.

Look, I don’t know what college is going to be like. I may hate it. (Although, I’m sure I’ll actually love it.) But if I happen to love it so much I forget I actually have a loving family that exists outside of a bank account and misses me terribly, come get me in Tuscaloosa and drag me home for a weekend. Seriously, I give you permission and I’ll (try) to pay for your gas. And when I do come home, spend time with me. Take me to the beach like we love to do. Don’t let me dump off my laundry and stay in my room the whole time. Again, I’ll be thankful for it later.

5. Don’t let me become basic.


Thanks Kate Moss. But seriously, I’m rushing in the fall and it’s easy to fall into the ‘typical college girl’ stereotype. If I join a sorority, I will no doubt love whichever one I’m in—but hometown friends, don’t let it be the topic of all of our conversations when I see you. College is a make it or break it point, I have new opportunities knocking at my door everyday. I don’t want to just remember college as one big party and not know what to do with my life after.

6. Don’t let me lose my ambition.

Like I just said, it’s easy to fall into the crowd. Four years can go by pretty fast when you’re having fun and I don’t want to let it pass me by without knowing my professors or grabbing the millions of opportunities I’ll get. I’d describe myself as a very passionate person and I guess I can blame my dad for my big dreams. This is the time I can actually grab the reigns and work to make my dreams come true. Don’t let me lose the spark I’ve grown up with. 

7. Most importantly, Don’t ever let me lose my faith.

This one is an über personal one. Pause for a second and let me get a little deep— I am a Christian. (Granted, not the best example of one.) But I believe in God, and that’s what I believe gets me up every day and helps me sleep at night. Don’t stop reading now even if you aren’t, but please, believe in something. Faith in anything is what will keep you going on the days you feel like you can’t go on. Even if I made college seem like a big, wild ride— I know it will be tough some days. In a place where no one cares what you are or what you believe, it’s easy to lose your ground. So to everyone reading this: find a group of people who will keep your faith flowing. Whether it be a church group, campus club, or just a group of friends or mentor to keep you accountable. Whatever you believe now— *cue Journey* Don’t stop believing. Ok I’m done.

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