Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Instagram: @pattycake_pattycake
About Me: I play varsity hockey for my high school, located in the Chicago, IL area. Other personal interests of mine include aviation; I am a student pilot, and will obtain my private pilots license by the end of my senior year of high school. I also enjoy photography and videography, especially when I get to take shots of cool things from the cockpit of the aircraft I fly! Do I smoke? Not cigarettes ;), but usually not anything at all, unless I'm bored. Clean; yes. Hygenic; yes. Pariter; I'm down with whatever. Social; absolutley. Athletic; very.
Roommate compatibility Q&A
My living habits are best described as: Clean
I am most interested in participaing in: Sports and Fitness Activities
On the weekends I plan to: Stay on campus
My music preference is: Alternative/Indie Rock, Electronic/EDM
With respect to borrowing my stuff, I feel: What's mine is ours, Willing to share if asked in advanced
Sleeping--I am a student who: Sleeps late & stays up until 2 am or later
In my free time, you'll find me: Socializing, Playing video games or on my computer, Watching TV/movies
Primarily using your room: Both
I prefer the noise level in my room to be: Don't care how noisy it is
I prefer a roommate that: Doesn't smoke