College: University of Mississippi
Hometown: Wetumpka, Alabama
Class: 2019
Major: Engineering
Biography: I skipped a grade and then was salutatorian out of 273 students! I know where hard-work and determination can get you! But through this, I lost my best friend and then 6 months later three other classmates. They were all from my grade before I skipped a grade. I learned to truly make the most of every day and to truly cherish all my relationships and always let loved ones know just how much they mean to me. I shared my story at my church and then at my graduation in front of almost 5 thousand. My goal at Ole Miss is to be friends with as many people as I can and to share my story to help others not make the same mistakes I did. Hotty toddy! I do it for Jody, Dylan, Austin and Hoyt.