
College: University of Colorado

Hometown: Fernandina Beach, Florida

Class: 2019

Major: Double majoring in Philosophy and Psychology, and plan on minoring in Religious Studies

Favorite Music Genre: I am pretty open minded when it comes to music, but my "go-to summer song" is You, Me, Cellphones by Husbands. Also, Tyler the Creator's new album is reeeeally good.

Biography: My absolute favorite thing to do is meeting new people, no joke. I absolutely love getting to know people. A lot of that is probably due to the fact that I have spend the last two summers studying abroad at Oxford University in England and The University of St Andrews in Scotland. So, I am pretty good at making uncomfortable situations more bearable, to say the least. I have also been the President (junior year) and Vice President (senior year) over the last two years for my school's Student Government! Besides all of that, I have been involved in Relay for Life for the past four years, as well as my school's Yearbook: Journalism course.

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